Resource library

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The West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions (WSBLE) were evaluated together in the WSBLE Draft EIS published in January 2022. The extensions were initially on the same environmental review timeline. However, Ballard Link Extension (BLE) needed additional environmental review for new project refinements resulting from the Sound Transit Board actions in March 2023 and July 2023. Because of this, the environmental reviews for the two extensions will now continue on different timelines.

The new BLE Draft EIS will build upon the 2022 WSBLE Draft EIS while carrying forward all previous analysis and comments, including previous comments, public outreach and feedback, and environmental analysis.

Engagement before BLE Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Chinatown-International District Community Information Sessions

You can review the entire Draft Environmental Impact Statement in the Draft EIS section.

  1. Draft EIS materials

  2. Comment period engagement materials WSBLE Draft EIS briefing booklets

  3. Environmental reports

  1. Community Advisory Group (CAG)

  2. Elected Leadership Group

  3. Stakeholder Advisory Group

South Downtown Hub planning is a separate and collaborative effort between multiple public agencies. The development of the vision for the South Downtown is built on past planning efforts and supported by the City of Seattle, King County, and Sound Transit, who are all working in partnership with the community to realize visions put forward by the community. To learn more about South Downtown, please visit our website.