Chinatown-International District (CID) - Further Studies

In the Chinatown-International District (CID) segment of the Ballard Link Extension, the Sound Transit Board requested further study and engagement between community and agency partners focused on the shallow CID options to:

  • Seek to address remaining questions, minimize potential impacts, and maximize community benefits
  • Explore how to create an integrated, well-connected hub for all modes, opportunities to enhance ridership and access, activate or modify use of Union Station and plaza, as well as funding and cost savings opportunities
  • Include study concepts requested by community and agency partners, including but not limited to work to define a 4th Avenue shallow tunnel option with the goal to maximize benefits while minimizing costs and impacts

We want to engage community early to shape our further study scope and to inform our process for iterative, inclusive, and meaningful engagement throughout the study period.

Given the complexity, the legacy of projects like these happening to community and not with community, and our interest in supporting meaningful community involvement around the CID Station area, Sound Transit and the City of Seattle organized a series of meetings to supplement many other engagement approaches that center reaching communities in the CID and Pioneer Square neighborhoods.

Learn more about our engagement process 正體字/繁體字   简化字   TIẾNG VIỆT 

Over the course of five public meetings and two online surveys, community members shared ideas for station locations outside of the CID, refinements to the 4th Avenue Shallow alternative and other urban design and place-keeping ideas. Participants asked questions and shared thoughts on opportunities and issues, who might benefit and who might be burdened, and how concepts might support neighborhood goals. Meeting materials and summaries of community feedback we’ve heard so far are available below the further studies section if you’d like to learn more.

  1. Refinements to Draft EIS 4th Avenue Shallow (CID-a) Alternative
  2. New Alignment and Station Locations
    1. Station North of CID
    2. Station South of CID
    3. Station North of CID and station South of CID
  3. Union Station and plaza activation

More information is available in the Chinatown-International District report.

Refinements to 4th Avenue Shallow Alternative (CID-1a)

A map of the proposed 4th Ave Shallow Alternative, which explores station and alignment options to maximize community benefits while minimizing costs and impact.
Click on image to enlarge 

Refinements to Draft EIS 4th Avenue Shallow (CID-1a) Alternative explores station and alignment options to maximize community benefits while minimizing costs and impacts.

      • ICON apartment displacements can be reduced from 4 years to two, 2-month periods
      • Reduction in noise and air quality construction effects through a range of strategies
      • Reduction in potential impacts to BNSF, but lengthens construction duration by one year (to up to 12 years)
      • Reduction in duration of partial closure on 4th Avenue by 1 year (up to 5 years)
      • Estimated cost $3.1 billion (between Pike and Holgate)
      • Cost delta compared to realigned financial plan: +$700 million

Station North of CID

A map of the proposed 4th Ave Shallow Alternative, which explores station and alignment options to maximize community benefits while minimizing costs and impact.
Click on image to enlarge

New alignment and station location North of the CID explores station and alignment options close to Pioneer Square Station, east of 4th Avenue based on ideas from community and agency partners.


      • Consolidates Midtown and CID Stations
      • Could facilitate transit integration with Madison BRT
      • Displaces King County Admin building and social services
      • Equitable transit oriented development opportunity
      • Avoids direct station construction disruption in CID
      • Accommodates direct transfers at Pioneer Square Station
      • Temporary closure of James St for 4 years and trolley wire relocation during construction
      • Within 10-minute walk to CID, Pioneer Square, Colman Dock, and south end of Downtown/Midtown
      • Estimated cost $2.05 billion (between Pike and Holgate)
      • Cost delta compared to realigned financial plan: -$360 million

A station South of CID

A map of the proposedNew alignment and station location North of the CID explores station and alignment options close to Pioneer Square Station, east of 4th Avenue based on ideas from community and agency partners.
Click on image to enlarge

New alignment and station location South of the CID explores station alignment options south of CID (under 6th Avenue S, south of Seattle Blvd S) based on other ideas from community and agency partners.


      • Avoids direct station construction disruption in CID
      • Equitable transit oriented development opportunity
      • Within 10-minute walk to CID and Stadiums
      • Does not accommodate direct transfers
      • Limited detours; closure of 6th Ave, south of Seattle Blvd
      • Estimated cost $2.5 billion (between Pike and Holgate)
      • Cost delta compared to realigned financial plan: +$80 million

Station North of CID and station South of CID

A map of the proposed new alignment and station location South of the CID.
Click on image to enlarge

New alignment and station locations North and South of the CID explores station and alignment options north of CID (close to Pioneer Square, east of 4th Avenue) and south of CID (under 6th Avenue S, south of Seattle Blvd S) based on other ideas from community and agency partners.


      • Avoids direct station construction disruption in CID
      • Equitable transit oriented development opportunity
      • Within 10-minute walk to CID and Stadiums
      • Does not accommodate direct transfers
      • Limited detours; closure of 6th Ave, south of Seattle Blvd
      • Estimated cost $2.55 billion (between Pike and Holgate)
      • Cost delta compared to realigned financial plan: +$160 million

Union Station and plaza activation

A map of the proposed Union Station and plaza activation concepts explores options to activate and/or modify uses of Union Station and the adjacent plaza
Click on image to enlarge

Union Station and plaza activation concepts explores options to activate and/or modify uses of Union Station and the adjacent plaza. Concept shown is with a 4th Avenue shallow station with an entrance in the concourse of Union Station. With other options, that area would be programmed with other community uses.


      • Public safety key value for design and management
      • Community support for investment in the historic station and surrounding plaza
      • Uses and activities include mobility, commerce and community

Overview of recent public engagement and resources in the CID:

Over 200 people attended the kick-off open house at Union Station to learn more about the further studies and provide feedback or ideas that are shaping our engagement approach and the scope of our studies over the next several months. There was also an online survey for those who couldn’t attend the open house in person.

Building on the feedback we received at the kick-off open house and through the online survey, our first workshop focused on options for further study. We brought forward concepts shared with us by the community and began to explore opportunities and challenges together.

Building on the feedback and questions we received at the kick-off open house and workshop #1, this workshop initiated a conversation about tradeoffs. We shared the latest on what we learned about the options for further study, including some of the potential impacts and benefits, and gathered your feedback on tradeoffs and potential refinements. 

System Expansion Presentation / 輕軌系統擴建簡報

We focused on key issues brought forth by community members. We also engaged in problem-solving around key issues and potential mitigation approaches for each option.

We built on previous workshops and community feedback and brought it all together to begin collecting your feedback for the Sound Transit Board.